Spam spam breaking is making me mad.

So I am sick of spam pressure decks. A few fast attacks and then one slower breaking attack.

It's pretty bad at top levels, I spent nearly all day dealing with noob after noob using these stupid overglorified farming decks.

I dont know why people would play this game to press the same buttons over and over... And over... Well you get the picture.

God I even sent a bunch of angry messages to someone because they had a build like that at level 60... And then found out that they were just using a novelty all-punches deck and immediately ate my hat in shame.

God I felt so bad, because I really respect this game and the players and devs, but I went full trash talk on this guy for just having fun! I apologized but man you just can't make up for the kinds of rude things I said right out the gate.

It's not even that these decks are hard to fight against (I usually win 3-0 against them, its easy) They're just boring and annoying because they still do a bit of damage, disregard all the best parts of this game, and are way too common. Honestly I just don't want to waste my time on the cheeky little no-skills.

I'm thinking up a concept for an ultimate school that acts as a sort of police for disruptive play, as well as providing assistance, trophies and training to the gamespace as a whole. I have plans in place to encourage people to bring someone else into it (at great personal benefit) so that more people are exposed to a less toxic kind of gameplay in general.

Anywho this was mostly a little rage blurb.
Figured some of you might know of some other kinds of decks like this that are boring/annoying/unfun to play against.


  • Well, Yesterday I played against someone who used healing, and the proceeded to run away until his heal ability has gone off. I won, but I certainly did'nt give him a rematch, that game was so long.

    But to ne honest, I have nothing against peoples who are using fast decks. If they enjoy playing that way, it's their buisness. They are not cheating, are not undefeatable, and personally if I did not enjoy a fight, I simply do not grant a rematch.

    That is a part of EVERY game with PvP I think of. When you play against human, you are BOUND to stumble in games you won't enjoy. Myself, the type of player I dislike in abslover is peoples who seem to ignore there is a block button. They barely defend and you end up being able to gold link your stuff until your stamina is fully depleted. Theses are easy matches, but not fun at all. But they are learning the game. You can't really compain about other peoples as long as they are playing by the rules.
  • Oh boy, its the "pro 1337 Bloodborne" lady XD. Well yeah, tbh your pretty late on the train for hating spam, but seriously its the most fun thing for me to fight against. About a month ago before the spam nerf i had trouble with spam decks, but then i realized even if the break your block and you run out of stamina, they only get like 2-3 light hits in, and thats highly negligible, even to me, someone with 28 mobility. But seriously, the reason its so fun is because i know im gonna win, so i get to try out new cool ways to embarass them for using such skill less decks XD. If you know excactly whats coming (spam spam breaking) then theres no reason to complain, instead just enjoy using the defensive ability on them every time they attack because theyre so predictable.
  • Why are people so vindictive of me for being proud of my career? I worked hard for it, I deserve to feel a little special.

    Anyways I guess if people have fun fighting the spaz's whatever. I just wish there werent so damn many of them at high level. I want some challenges. I hate wasting my time on pleb after pleb. But whatever. People have fun their own way, I'll just wait for the meta's to come up.

    Also saying 'there's no reason to complain' is incorrect. You didnt read my post before responding apparently because you thought it was about skill. It devalidates that I dont enjoy always winning. The same ways. Every time. I just want more people to experiment with deck building instead of making these trash novelty level movesets.
  • Why are people so vindictive of me for being proud of my career? I worked hard for it, I deserve to feel a little special.

    Sure. Especially amongst people who care and who matter in your life.

    Sadly, you'll not find very many of those people in this forum, which means the line between being proud and boasting becomes very fine, and when you cross it, people get annoyed.

  • Also saying 'there's no reason to complain' is incorrect. You didnt read my post before responding apparently because you thought it was about skill. It devalidates that I dont enjoy always winning. The same ways. Every time. I just want more people to experiment with deck building instead of making these trash novelty level movesets.

    That's not for you to decide. If someone isn't hacking, any play style is valid. The complaints against spam decks almost broke the game.
  • edited October 2017
    Sorry for not quoting people, it's malfunctioning to "null" in my browser and I dont have the patience to switch from html formatting.

    I am boasting. Cuz I worked hard and I'm proud of it. Maybe people should do more things they are proud of so they have things to boast about, and maybe it shouldn't be so negatively connotated. I mentioned what I do in full relevance to the topic I was discussing, if I really wanted to just talk about myself I would have, but I didn't. I talked about the game. But now I am because people keep bringing it up like the fact that I said it once is relevant. It's not.

    It is actually for me to decide. It is wrong for someone to devalidate my opinion to uplift theirs. They are opinions, by definition they are not absolute. Again people are talking about this like I think it's broken DESPITE ME SAYING TWICE NOW THAT I CONSISTENTLY BEAT IT AND MY ISSUE WITH IT IS THAT ITS BORING.


    Not mad. Just trying to make sure you read it.

    Apparently like any other forum, people don't act like they are talking to other human beings here, which I guess is your prerogative if that's who you want to be, but it certainly isn't conducive to positivity.

    And if I don't mention ahead of time that people are going to bash me for high roading then they are gonna bash me for high roading like it's wrong to be apart of a community and desire positive goals.

    But someone else will have a problem with me saying that too. And so on and so forth.

    I'm not posting to fight with all of you, I'm posting to discuss or even argue (not the same as fighting). I love this game and how it tries to engender positivity and I think that's something that should be encouraged to spread throughout gaming communities in general. I just want to talk about things instead of being made fun of for having relevant things to say.

    Not that I'm particularly bothered by it, I've been on the web long enough to know not to let it get to me, but I still want more and better for myself and everyone else. Make fun of it more if you want, but thats not what I'm here for, and I wont bother addressing it again.

    Thank you for your time,
    Praise the moon,
  • edited October 2017
    Right, but the issue with something being boring or not for you personally doesn't cover the majority of people playing the game. What combos and play-styles people use is their business, as is in-game honor codes. I'm very glad that there isn't a live chat or voice chat in the game, as the emotes say enough. If you had sent me a long-winded personal message because you didn't like how I played the game, well -- I don't think I would have liked it too much, and probably would have taken it personally.

    PS -- whenever I see the calbot slap in someone's deck, it makes my blood boil, and I do better in the fight. Usually, I don't care about winning or losing, but that always changes my mood.
  • No matter the PvP game you are playing, be it a fighting game, a shooter, or whatever, your are bound to stumble upon players who will make for a boring match. It's part of the unpredictability of playing online. Also, as insight above my post pointed out, what is boring to you is not automatically boring for me.

    But at the end of the day, if you end up being bored in the vast majority of the matches you are playing, perhaps the fault does not lie within the players, but with you, who fail to accept you don't really like the game.

    In a single player experience, being bored with a game makes it obvious you simply do not like that game. In a multiplayer game, should'nt that be the same? If most of the time you are bored with it, perhaps it's time to move on?
  • What a defeatist absolute attitude in an environment where forward momentum is abundant. Why would this be an indicator of my like or dislike of the game as a whole? Why would my boredom with idiots who clearly don't know how to play the game marr my satisfaction of the game itself?

    I don't mean any offense btw, I just wanted to express why I don't consider that an option over something so small.

    The "it happens all the time so why are you complaining?" argument is beyond stupid and it denotes a pretension that backward thinking should just be accepted because it's inevitable. If that were a sound time tested philosophy my husband would own me and maybe a couple black people.

    I love art. I fail to understand why nearly everybody chooses to pretend art doesn't matter and that a persons failure to see art where it is the most spectacular is something that shouldn't be so much as addressed. Everyone's perspective of art is valid, but if someone sees more in it, they generally find it is their prerogative to make note of it for others. Reddit is basically run on that idea.

    I don't post to relate to the masses. If I did, maybe I'd get alot less flak for presenting my thoughts. I post because what everyone knows, is aware of, cares about, is never enough. The majority does not dictate what I find of interest, nor does it increase or decrease the value in what I feel is relevant. I just am sharing my experience.

    As it happens though I am going to be offline for a bit while I wait for the general userbase to catch up a touch. Gonna play some Elite Dangerous for the next few weeks. So it's not as though your suggestion is without merit, it's just too extreme. I love this game, I can't stress that enough, I just have some waiting to do for the general population to figure out the complexity of it.

    Thank you for your time,
    Praise the Moon
  • What a defeatist absolute attitude in an environment where forward momentum is abundant. Why would this be an indicator of my like or dislike of the game as a whole? Why would my boredom with idiots who clearly don't know how to play the game marr my satisfaction of the game itself?

    I love art. I fail to understand why nearly everybody chooses to pretend art doesn't matter and that a persons failure to see art where it is the most spectacular is something that shouldn't be so much as addressed. Everyone's perspective of art is valid, but if someone sees more in it, they generally find it is their prerogative to make note of it for others. Reddit is basically run on that idea.

    I don't post to relate to the masses. If I did, maybe I'd get alot less flak for presenting my thoughts. I post because what everyone knows, is aware of, cares about, is never enough. The majority does not dictate what I find of interest, nor does it increase or decrease the value in what I feel is relevant. I just am sharing my experience.

    Praise the Moon

    Wow... Just wow...You really think the world revolve around you. Disagreeing with you mean we are "stupid". Do I need to send you my deck for approval? I really want to make sure my deck is not "stupid" Thinking like other peoples is "never enough". Thank you for "making note of it" for me. I was'nt aware that playing against a fast deck was boring. Thank to you my eyes are open now.

    Seriously... The reason you are getting flak for your post is not because you say things that peoples don't always agree with. The reason you get flak for your post is because you treat us like a bunch of idiot who must be taught how to play the game properly. The reason you get flak for your post is that no discussion is possible with you. Disagreeing with you mean we are stupid and we don't understand. You get flak because you are elitist, and there is no room for peoples who just want to play this game, relax and have some fun.

    I did not insult you in my post. I merely suggested that if you are so bored with the way peoples play the game, maybe it's just that you do not like the game that much? And I get this, that I am stupid if I use a fast deck? That I am part of the ignorant mass and I need you to show me the way? That I "fail" to see art and that thankfully you are here to open my eyes?

    Ok. That was the last post on the topic, else it will devolve into a flame war, and I really don't want that. But I had to reply because I won't let someone tell me I am an idiot for jumping into combat trials and enjoying myself fighting against any deck, and with any deck I want.

  • edited October 2017

    I don't post to relate to the masses.

    Um, yeah, this is starting to look like tumblr :) Seriously, some of the tangential leaps in that post are simply amazing. If you are as good at jumping around with thoughts as you are with combos, maybe you're the elite player you claim to be.

    Anyway, I'll reiterate and wrap up my argument with a quote from an old karate teacher of mine:

    "You can pick your friends, you can pick your nose, but you can't pick your friend's nose."

    Meditate on that, grasshopper.
  • Wow you two take some shit personally. I don't remember specifically pointing out anyone in that comment. Like at all.

    You guys need to learn how to read contextually. Thats the closest I have to an insult directed at you so you can feel more important about yourself.

    I dont have more to say on it because the response to both of your dumb posts is that simple. Chew on that 'grasshopper'.
  • edited October 2017
    >gimmick all punch deck
    >fast attacks with slower breaking attacks

    OK that comes off as a personal attack to me so let me explain the reason for a fast deck with sudden slow punishes, as I have a boxing school.

    Conditioning in this game is really, really important. Establishing a finer line to bait your opponent into a sense of security is something this game is all about. We're dressed basically as homeless people. Our characters don't look threatening at all unless we specifically go out of our way to. With that in mind, its very easy to condition someone into a sense of security.

    If the deck looked anything like this, yea it's mine.

    The fast hits are to condition people to establish the fact that the hits are stamina negative. Me using them drains my stamina faster. However, I can easily set up into Sweeping Hook, feint it into a Charged Attack to punish people trying to prevent that, and can also feint said hook into Mill Punch, a move that travels incredibly far if you happen to try to escape the pressure with a backpedal.

    What you should be more cautious of isn't the fast moves themselves, but rather what they're setting up into. Sweeping Hook is basically a discount Guard Break with amazing close range tracking. Charged Attack punishes attempts to punish Sweeping Hook via trade options. Mill Punch punishes backwards step dashes as it travels far. Sweeping Hook punishes all other dash directions as its a sweep.

    A fast deck alone won't win a game unless you're fighting a Kahlt, but coaxing your enemy into that security of stamina-negative moves, and abruptly waking them up by granting them a stamina deficit is a great way to force a player to react.

    The problem isn't the deck itself, its that your reactions are something that competent players will force out and will already have options to circumvent your reactions.

    On a final note, your use of qualifiers spoops me. It's fine to be proud of your game stuff, but there a places to put it for relevancy. You're not the only bloodborne relevant player but already looking at your bloodborne post I disliked the notion you gave. Our only defenses were not parry and dodge (in reference to your BB tourney post). Rally played a huge role for heavy weapons, as the ability to tank with a heavy weapon with the innate super armor and punish with colossal damage is basically what kept weapons like the Kirkhammer alive. Items played a huge role, as Arcane Builds could set up traps by unlocking and equipping rope-based molotoves to punish approaches. Bloodtinge could lay a giant fucking snake in the ground that emerges to punish players getting too aggressive. A call Beyond was basically the falcon punch of BB as it pretty much never fucking connected unless you were ballsy as fuck and got a hard read.

    Off tangent, yea, but that post specifically left a sour taste in my mouth, and this post as well goes out of its way to address things I do and call them negative.

    Also seriously a school to police how people play?? My gameplay isn't toxic, it's different. I simply wanted to immerse myself to my character. I box IRL. I'm sorry I don't conform to a meta that everyone should be a part of?
  • Liddikins,I really like your video. I really like the looks of your boxing, fist only school.

    As a side note, I don't consider myself a very good player, but I use a similar tactic. I sting fast attack and once I know with which move my opponent tend to retaliate, I break up the combo using a strafe/jump/duck attack.

    Not to mention that fast hits are still useful to cancel out certain slow attack. I tend to react too early with dodging on slow attack, so countering a guard break with a quick jab is a nice option as far as I am concerned.

    As a second side note, if you are a master and on the PS4, I'd be curious to join your boxing school. I'd like to try it out myself. Fighting you would probably be my doom. I fall for charged moves 3 out of 4 times, unless you use them in a really predicable fashion LOL
  • I'm on PC, sadly. Sorry buddy. :c

    I'm sure if you check about the forums or the Absolver reddit you can find boxing schools though, good luck friendo~
  • im guessing your the type of player who rages against fireball characters in fighting games as no skill spam noobs?

    i built a fast attack deck finally after over 250 hours total in the game between closed beta and launch. here is what i noticed

    you cannot manual dodge them usually, if you do the next attack will hit you even if you dodged the first due to fast recovery and targeting mechanics. This wouldnt be an issue except for some reason vast majority of playres i fight are afraid to rely on their special ability and instead rely on manual dodges..wich is to be used very are SUPPOSED to use your special vs these fast attacks. not manual dodge. manual dodge is niche.

    another thing i noticed is if i gold linked i could interrupt charge attacks. pretty reliably. was amusing only because i faced someone who obviously almost exlusively relied on charge attacks on alt and didn't think he should have to change his tactics.

    another thing i noticed was the PITIFUL damage and stamina damage. seriously matches took FOREVER vs anyone who knows how to block. to the point where i added in a couple guardbreaks for good measure. (also my alts were charge attacks save for one for extra salt)

    you had to put way more work into someone with patience then felt comfortable or effective. y our general damage against anyone with armor was pitiful (armor affects fast attacks more then slow powerful attacks).

    fast attack decks punished people who play wrong, who over rely on manual dodge because they are too afraid to get used to and good with there special, people who want to punch instead of block, and people with no patience.

    that is who fast attack decks defeat.
  • If you find a way to use it that works then awesome. No offense meant. I built my husband's deck more like that.

    Bloodbornes alternative defensives were something of a bad joke. To call the kirkhammer viable might be laughable. Rally was not really a huge part of strategy by any means, as the high level health and stamina runes were the only ones anybody used, and only fast weapons which typically weren't blunt, could make good effective use of it. Burial blade Molotovs were rarely used to punish anything and did so little damage even on a high arcane build that it was negligible. Snake was fun but completely gimmicky as it ate up bullets that were more valuable for parrys or augur, which was basically a quick parry/backstab. Arcane tools in general did too little damage to be of actual use in pvp, and a bullet was almost always better loaded in a gun.

    Bloodborne was my game, I beat rakuyo's with nothing but an arcane buffed kos fist sans milkweed when I was feeling like a thrill. I had the dodge timing down perfect, maybe thats why it was all I needed... Bleh I miss that game. I have too many hours in there.

    Dodge and parries were all you needed. They were the only defensive actions that had actual substance and dictated the flow of the game. Saw some interesting uses of the more technical stuff, but never in any way that made me consider them viable.

    I'm sorry if I have a tone of feeling superior. I actually AM autistic and OCD af, but as posotive as my intentions are, I do just suck at communicating. Good with stringing together words, bad with implementing them.

    I feel like I can't have a positive conversation with anyone on this thread because I already made the mistake of responding to people that obviously served no purpose by posting. I should have identified and ignored them and instead I tainted the thread with my back and forth impulsive rebuttals.

    I'm glad people are still finding interesting things to discuss though :3

    Praise the moon.
  • edited October 2017
    There are Arcane items that cost a single bullet and do like, 200 damage. The moonlight greatsword can just hold heavy attack to shoot a laser for a single bullet that does like 400 DMG.

    Stacking Rally on an Arcane heavy build lets you trade blows wildly and never die. Stamina I will agree was super important. Especially since I was a big weapon boi in that I could only swing like twice or so before having to back up. But that doesn't make the usage of other weapons gone. People in that game die in like 2 or 3 hits, with Rally you can effectively get rid of a hit entirely if your weapon was swole enough.

    Bullets were only better in a gun if you made it so that they were better for you in your build. Running an optimized meta build of Bloodtinge with a chikage will obviously net you results with the chikage and most guns like the Evelyn. The DLC addressed this by making various things more potent.

    A rope molotov on an Arcane build can do like 270 DMG punishing a quick step forward, which is not negligible damage in the slightest.

    Stacking offensive types immensely helped as well. If you stack pure Blunt rather than damage on a Kirkhammer, it buffs the windbox, so you can fucking miss and do like 400 damage with the windbox alone.

    There are various builds that all have competitive value, but the issue with the BB Tournies was always that as an invading phantom you inherently had limited HP values comparatively, which is why most people ran the HP rune. Trying to be competitive in a game that inherently limits competitively play and talking smug about it is what painted the target on you.

    Dodge and parries were not all you needed, if you're on your way to try and define a meta you have to lab out other things and see their uses and practicalities, you don't just find one thing that works and say "yea this is it".

    You have to find things that don't work and see if it doesn't work because either

    A ) it sucks


    B ) You're using it wrong.

    -removed by Moderation
  • Hey everyone!

    Let's keep this conversation free of insults and attacks going forward please.

    Thank you!
  • Well I HAVE. I didnt get that far without testing things. Also Bloodborne tournaments were set up as two sets of three matches in which one person had the health advantage for the majority of the rounds. We got around that problem pretty quick, so there was never any 'issue' with tournaments because of the health values. The biggest problem was slow passworded connections. Of course as we got further underground we discovered hizzngr3, that was solved before too long.

    That aside, the damage values for a good parry, especially a runed one, are so astronomically high that it makes pretty much everything else obsolete. I used to hit 3100 damage for one bullet parry on my blood build. There was value in using numbing mist, lead elix, and yes, if you were so inclined to grind it out an ultra powerful arcane-weapon build (I had two but I didn't use them often, more comfortable with the slashy stuff).

    As for the chikage, it only hit the kind of damage you are talking about after being grinded for WEEKS in the labyrinth, and even then, base weapons did more damage because of the physical damage split, and the poison was near useless. (Not to say I dodn't have one, I just didnt use it competitively).

    I DID define the meta. Me and the other people who played competitively on that game. We didn't settle for 400-800 damage. We were hitting dps inbetween 1 and 2 thousand. Nothing even comes close to that with the hunter tools. They are basically novelties that make pve and cooperation a bit easier.

    I put some effort into that game. This game is looking like I'm gonna be doing the same.

    Praise the Moon
  • why are we still talking about bloodborne? id rather have absolver be its own thing. let bloodborne be bloodborne and absolver be absolver.
  • Abslover said:

    why are we still talking about bloodborne? id rather have absolver be its own thing. let bloodborne be bloodborne and absolver be absolver.

    This is the reason that this thread shouldnt exist lol. Bloodborne is not similar to absolver, theyre very different. Thats it, no need for paragraphs of argument about how good you think you are
  • edited October 2017

    You guys need to learn to read contextually. Thats the closest I have to an insult directed at you so you can feel more important about yourself.

    I dont have more to say on it because the response to both of your dumb posts is that simple. Chew on that 'grasshopper'.

    So what i said is an insult but this isnt? Sloclap please -_- Maybe if you focused on updating your dying game instead of deleting comments about calling out someone who is literally making fun of your game and all of its members, then this wouldnt be an issue.
  • Abslover said:

    why are we still talking about bloodborne? id rather have absolver be its own thing. let bloodborne be bloodborne and absolver be absolver.

    There was nothing else to say. We never implied that Bloodborne was Absolver, it was just the way the talk went.

    OP stated they disliked fast spam decks.

    People jumped the train.

    OP Jumped a train.

    I did too, but also said I have a reason to use spam decks as it sets up into things.

    OP said OK.

    It's almost like there's conversation, and the conversation flow went into bloodborne.
    Weird, right?
  • this thread is longer than the actual game
  • I dont see anything wrong with the conversation flowing that way. It's fun talking about something I enjoyed very much. Again I am autistic so please excuse my brash way of speaking. I dont mean anything mean by it.
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